They choose to surround themselves with inspiration. A gathering of ideas, photographs, colors, textures, styles, ready canvases for needles and threads... favorite finds, father's sayings, mother's recipes, articles of the past, possibilities of the future...

Samples and ready to be used articles of ribbons, lace, beads, vintage jewelry, antique lingerie, victorian patterns, trims, beautifully textured fabrics, sparkly dazzles, inspiring quotes, art of other artists, and pictures of the ones who have encouraged her along the way all inspire her as she works through her creative process.
These are the things that she treasures. By remembering her inspirations and favorite treasures, she is inspired to create a glorious masterpiece. An example of the beauty her Creator has placed within her spirit. And so she makes her works... expressions of the message in her heart, and a blending of the people and things she treasures.
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