Friday, March 11, 2011

Yippeee!!! It's Friday Night.................

CAN'T WAIT to watch a movie and eat some pizza!  That's the tradition at our house for Friday evenings.
What movie will we watch....???????  I'm always in the mood for a Jane Austen flick, but sometimes hubby insists on a Lonesome Dove.....just so I stop and take a break!!!!  Have had a great week, but filled with it's share of stressful surprises!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lots of lace and buttons................

I love this wonderful collage of vintage trim and buttons!!  Thought I would share it with you.  I have a collection of old buttons that I treasure.  Sometimes I take them out of their drawers and jars and just play with them, like a kid with a toy!  And my laces are all over the place, but I enjoy them so.  I ordered a few new pieces off of Ebay a couple of months ago....that was my Christmas gift to me.

P.S.  Haven't had the time to play with those yet!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Rhinestones in my peanut butter.......

Marilyn Venice Lace Earrings in Ecru by TinaEvaRenee
Yep, that's right....IN THE PEANUT BUTTER JAR!!!!!
I guess this illustrates the joys....and hazards....of making jewelry in my kitchen!  I had all my jewelry findings spread out all over my kitchen last week as I was into one of my creative jewelry binges.....I remember trying to gulp down occasional bites of my raisin bagel and peanut butter as I was glueing and stringing rhinestones.  Well,
I decided it was time for another bagel this past weekend.  As I was chewing I suddenly chomped down on something hard and thought "wow, this is a large raisin pit....never had this happen before".  Well, let me tell was no raisin pit!!!!  It was a gynormous rhinestone!!!!  Thanks goodness I didn't break a tooth!  I've already had one root canal in the last month, and have a crown scheduled.....don't need any more dental emergencies!  All jewelry makers:  BEWARE!!! HAH!  I'm laughing now!

Monday, March 7, 2011

March Update

Welcome Simple Pleasures customers!

Well, if you haven't guessed, Tina's new fascination is aubergine; shades of lavender, in fresh, warm, and smoky hues. She has been testing and hand dying different varieties of the color and has had wonderful results with her Venice Lace jewelry as well as our night and day fabrics of dot, waffle, shadow stripe, lace, and interlock.

More News:

Lilac and Butter are back in a selection of styles in the interlock fabric. Call us for more details on those.

We have 3/4 length black wrap robes in stock to accompany our black V neck styles in waffle, dot, shadow stripe and check.

Order forms are back by popular demand and can be downloaded and printed from our website.

Congratulations to Amanda who just gave birth to a sweet little boy! She is already back in the saddle and ready to assist all of our wonderful customers with your Simple Pleasures Updates.
See our NEWSLETTER for more updates.

Sparkle Adornement

How exciting is this lovely sparkle adornment! Perfect for a sophisticated girly woman who loves to display her love for creative beauty around her neck. It's vintage pieces add character to the hand dyed Venice lace. This could be glorious worn with a jacket, or laying over a v neck silk blouse! Perfect for a songwriter's debut as she sparkles in the spotlight.